Aside to an exciting and diverse career as a performer for dance companies such as Marie Chouinard, Dominique Porte, Sylvain Émard Danse, Fortier Danse-Création, and Daniel Léveillé, Manuel Roque is also choreographer and created RAW-me (2010) and “Ne Meurs pas tout de suite, on nous regarde” (2012) with Lucie Vigneault.
In 2013, he founded Cie Manuel Roque and presented “Project In Situ” at Montréal’s Place des. Then “Data” has been presented at Usine C and at FTA 2014 before an international tour .
During 2014-2015 season, Manuel is participating to “Migrant Bodies”, an international research project where he created “Black Matter” (2015). He also choreographed “Aurora” for the EDCM Students (2015). And the quartet “4-OR” (2015) was presented by Tangente and Parcours Danse.
In 2015, he benefits from a 2 months creative residency at La Fabrik Potsdam, thanks to the financial support form CALQ. (august 2015-oct. 2015). The same year, he is also nominated “Bearer of Hope” in the annual selection of the prestigious “Tanz” magazine.
The solo, “bang bang”, premiered in Lyon, at FTA 2017 and in Paris at Festival June Event and receive the Best Choreography Price from “Les Prix de la Danse de Montréal 2017.
IN 2018 he receives the « Studio du Québec à Paris », a 6 month residency for research and artistic resourcing offered by CALQ and Cité des Arts à Paris.
His last solo SIERRANEVADA is cancelled because of the pandemic but did premiere in 2021 at FTA in Montreal.
His creative universe focuses on the contemporary languages breeding, on the meeting of a kinesthesic virtuosity and the research of an upstanding presence. Revolving around the notion of contemporary human condition, his work aims to open consciousness and to propose sensible, poetic and genuine artistic propositions.