A perfect amalgam of everything Daniel Léveillé has wanted to express in his work up until now: the quest for a primary expressivity that goes beyond narration. The meeting of four bodies that never touch, moving within a Spartan scenic space, the constant and insistent repetition of their gestures, and the hammering piano on the sound track are all elements used to evoke the chaos of human sacrifice.
Daniel Léveillé’s Le Sacre du printemps is a work that doesn’t attempt to render the content of the original libretto. Rather, it is a portrayal of Stravinsky’s music where the dancer’s perpetual movement becomes a metaphor of the movement of a machine that produces as much energy as it consumes and that will ultimately lead to the sacrifice of the human.
Created in 1982 / Recreated in 2007
Choreography Daniel Léveillé
Dancers at the creation Louise Lecavalier, Solange Paquette, Gilles Simard, Danièle Tardif
Dancers at the re-creation Frédéric Boivin, Mathieu Campeau, Justin Gionet, Emmanuel Proulx
Light Jean Jauvin
Music Igor Stravinsky
Costumes (idéa) Marie-Andrée Gougeon, Daniel Léveillé
Costumes (realisation) Le Carré Vert
Rehearsal Director Sophie Corriveau; Marie-Andrée Gougeon
Production Daniel Léveillé Danse
Coproduction Agora de la Danse (Montreal); Département de danse de l’Université du Québec à Montréal