A table, a net. A ping-pong game. Two professional players keep the ball going as long as possible. A transformation takes place in a choreographic score between two high-level table tennis players. The spectator, freed from all competitive expectations, savors this unusual ballet of seasoned athletes. Everyone wins.
Created in 2019
Concevez and directed by Dorian Nuskind-Oder + Simon Grenier-Poirier
Performed by Antoine Bernadet + Edward Ly
Lighting and set design Jean Jauvin
Rehearsal director Pierre-Luc Thériault
Executive producer (creation) Je suis Julio
Executive producer (touring) DLD
Coproduced by Festival TransAmériques (Montreal)
Creative residencies Fabrik Potsdam + Centre de Création O Vertigo – CCOV (Montreal) + LYTTA – Ly Table Tennis Academy
Canada Council for the Arts
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Conseil des arts de Montréal