The Wind Rises : Manuel Roque’s latest solo

Starting from a complex and agitated post-pandemic context, Manuel Roque formulates a series of fundamental questions:

How can we start moving again after a period of inertia? How to move? To what end? To say what? The notions of uncertainty, wandering and fumbling quickly asserted themselves.

How does the body organize itself in a permanent situation of imbalance in order to renew momentum?

This notion of imbalance on a physical level, through the writing of a choreographic score where the absence of perfect verticality predominates, makes the body evolve in a dimension that challenges with the notion of directionality.

To translate this notion of directionality, Manuel Roque draws on the use of repetitive patterns and morphing that previously guided him in bang bang and Sierranevada. These repeated patterns and incremental variations illustrate the idea of a journey that the body traverses and writes in the moment: from a point of departure, interspersed with stages, successive transformations and potential moments of grace, up to the point of arrival.

I've always been interested in the solo format. I find that the main challenge of this format lies in its integrity and singularity, something that revolves around the notion of identity and how this singularity of identity echoes a collective identity. For through the act of actually sharing the performance, it's important to me that the audience can connect (project or identify itself) with what's being conveyed.
Manuel Roque


Choreography and interpretation: Manuel Roque
Understudy performer: Nils Levazeux
Costumes: Marilène Bastien
Lighting: Karine Gauthier
Soundtrack: Manuel Roque
Mix and sound advice: Pablo Geeraert
Artistic advice and dramaturgy: Sophie Michaud and Lucie Vigneault
Visual material (Photos and video teaser): Robin Pineda Gould
Coproduction: La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines
Delegated production and development: DLD

This project was supported by the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec (CALQ) and the Conseil
des Arts de Montréal (CAM)

“Le vent se lève” benefited from a technical residency at La Chapelle Scènes
Scènes Contemporaines, Montreal.

Running time: 50 min

Judith Allen, Sophie Corriveau, Hugo Dalphond, Nils Levazeux, Enora Rivière,
Pierre-Mary Toussaint


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