Four bodies given over to the dance, reveal what has taken refuge behind the strange, translucent skin : muscle, water, breath, energy, an outlook on life, so alive and aware of the other, in spite of, or maybe because of, a need to not be entirely alone. Amour, acide et noix speaks of solitude, but also and most specifically of the infinite tenderness of touch, the harshness of life and the desire for avoidance or escape from these bodies, often so heavy.
Amour, acide et noix presents nudity as the only true alternative to the reading of the body, frank and free of false modesty. Isn’t the skin the one true body costume?
© Julie Artacho
Created in 2001
Choreography Daniel Léveillé
Dancers Lou Amsellem, Marco Arzenton, Marco Curci, Jimmy Gonzalez
Light Marc Parent
Music The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi
Rehearsal Director Justin Gionet
Production DLD
Coproduction Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara
Residencies Studio Cunningham, Montpellier Danse / l’Agora, cité internationale de la danse, avec le soutien de la Fondation BNP Paribas (France) + Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara (Italy)
Choreography Daniel Léveillé
Dancers at the creation Jean-François Déziel, David Kilburn, Ivana Milicevic, Dave St-Pierre
Light Marc Parent
Music The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi
Rehearsal Director Marie-Andrée Gougeon (at creation), Sophie Corriveau (at rerun)
Production Daniel Léveillé Danse
Support at creation Agora de la Danse (Montréal); UQAM Faculty of Arts and dance department