Four children are trapped without being aware of it. Torn between the call of the light and that of the bottom of the gutter, they go around in circles, twisted and crawling. Their uncertain path unfolds like the carving of a sculpture. Their monstrosity is beautiful; their purity, always dirty. The scene plays over and over again, eternal, deepening the groove in an anxiety-provoking spiral where unconscious fears wear a mask of good will and noble intentions. Au sein des plus raides vertus is a small window looking onto the grandiose, tragic passage of humanity on Earth, suspended somewhere between a quest and the loss of faith.rapports humains. Assurément une voie possible pour l’intensité.
Created in 2014
Choreography Catherine Gaudet in collaboration with Dany Desjardins, Francis Ducharme, Caroline Gravel, Annik Hamel, Sophie Michaud and Gatétan Nadeau
Interpretation at Creation Dany Desjardins, Francis Ducharme, Caroline Gravel et Annik Hamel
Lighting Alexandre Pilon-Guay
Music Jacques Poulin-Denis
Dramaturgy Support and Rehearsal Direction Sophie Michaud
Coproduction Festival TransAmériques and Le Phénix – Scène nationale de Valenciennes
Creative Residencies Centre Segal, Circuit-Est – Centre chorégraphique, Compagnie Marie Chouinard, Théâtre La Chapelle et O Vertigo
Catherine Gaudet is a member of Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique.