Salle Émile-Legault – Saint-Laurent
Maison de la culture Maisonneuve – Montréal
Maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce – Monkland
Centered around the exploration of the contemporary human condition, Manuel Roque’s artistic approach delves into the concept of kinesthetic experience and how the uniqueness of this experience can be conveyed to an audience.
One word: “collapsology,” a neologism coined by Pablo Servignes and Raphael Stevens, which refers to a multidisciplinary field of study addressing the potential collapse of our post-industrial civilizations. The authors/researchers emphasize the importance of the voices of artists, philosophers, or poets and the invention of new narratives far from the apocalyptic clichés endlessly bombarded by mass media. Beyond climate change and the exponential perils inflicted on living species, it is possible, perhaps urgent, to question. What kind of world do we wish to inhabit? What are its contours, its possibilities? What is our stance to make this act of creation realistic? How do we adapt to the impending changes while remaining active agents of positive transitions/transformations that reflect our desires?
Navigating between control and letting go, SIERRANEVADA is nothing more or less than an exercise, a laboratory practice where the performer/creator strives to explore the intricacies of their imagination.
This practice acts as a form of resistance, echoing what Naomi Klein calls “the colonization of our imaginations by neoliberalism,” in order to deconstruct or reconstruct a world that aligns more closely with our intimate and universal aspirations.
Année de création : 2021
Première : Festival TransAmériques, Mai 2021
Création : Manuel Roque
Co-création: Marilène Bastien, Sophie Corriveau, Lucie Vigneault
Trame sonore : Manuel Roque,
Direction technique / production : Judith Allen
Production : Cie Manuel Roque
Co-production : Festival TransAmériques, Les Brigittines (Bruxelles), La Rotonde (Québec), l’Agora de la Danse (Montréal), Atelier de Paris CDCN (Paris)
Avec le soutien de : La Briquetterie (Vitry), Circuit-Est Centre Chorégraphique (Montréal), Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, Conseil des Arts du Canada, Conseil des Arts de Montréal. Ce projet a reçu une résidence technique au Théâtre La Chapelle (Montréal)
DLD + Marie-Andrée Gougeon + Anne Sauvage + Équipe de l’Atelier de Paris + Peter James + Patrick Bonté + Équipe des Brigittines + Philippe Dupeyroux